Charlotte Termite Control
Termite Inspections, Control, Management, Termite ExterminatorCall Now: 980-202-0301
The most common Charlotte termite inspection request happens when someone is buying or selling a home.
In most states, it is necessary to have a WDI report. This is a Wood destroying Insect report. This should be done by a certified WDI expert licensed in your state. Charlotte Termite Inspections are fairly simple and should not take more than a hour to complete.
Banks and lenders use these reports as protective measures to insure the building has no structural damage associated with wood destroying insects.
The Charlotte termite inspector is looking for signs that wood destroying insects are present. This includes what is called frass, wood damage, dead specimens, foundation wall cracks, wood debris around the home, and the presence or termites in planter beds around the home.
If you find termites around your home and would like to have your home inspected, you can contact the professional listed here in your local area. There is usually a nominal charge for a termite inspection and should be relatively inexpensive. Our Charlotte termite inspectors are licensed and they are know what they are doing.
A Wood destroying insect report or WDIR usual consist of 5 sections. Some states have more sections, several states have less:
These are the five sections that are on a WDIR (Wood Destroying Insect Report). Remember, an incomplete WDIR is worthless. Our Charlotte termite inspection expert will fill the paperwork out and accurately represent the property. Some unprofessional Pest control companies have a lot to gain by inaccurately representing your property.